Friday, 14 August 2015

When a Dominant Loses Control

A Dominant with a proper sense of confidence and strength can also be humble, make a mistake, and laugh at himself.   A submissive shows her strength and commitment to the dynamic if she can laugh along with him and not at him.  D/s is a deep, intense journey, but it is after all a journey between a woman and a man.  And that, done well, is enough. Dominants are not gods...they are mortal Master is always Dominant and always a leader regardless of a bump or a mistake, his or mine. Great Dominants are men of courage and character and perseverance. W/we are all ultimately human and we err at times. This to me and i have said often is an interdependent state, a free flow of energy that enriches the power exchange. Real, realistic and reality.......relationships are not undertaken wearing rose coloured glasses. I don't choose to give my Master space to not be a Dominant, as i NEVER decide, my Master decides, ultimately and always it rests with him.  i don't dictate, but i do have an equal voice and support of Master knows very well what he needs and when and has the self assured strength not to need my permission to do anything....grins.

my Master often says he holds me with an open hand. It poignantly reminds me of the role a loving Dominant plays in teaching, guiding and protecting while never holding a submissive captive. I find that my Master guides me to be the best that i can be and in so doing he sets me free.... free of myself and the limitations imposed on me by upbringing, society at large, and a life lived. Ultimately it is me who gratefully and graciously creates my own chains, committing myself voluntarily to his Dominance, he having encouraged me to fly. I find that way of managing me encourages the growth, evolution. It requires a constant good communication on both our parts. The check and balance of the relationship.

I feel that you should never be complacent, the need to nurture a relationship so it does not grow stagnant, and that translates to any relationship D/s or nilla.  I feel that you are personally, when you set out on this path constantly building that strong foundation that becomes the launch pad for the active parts of the relationship.

1 comment:

  1. Nicely put. Though I disagree that you grow stagnation. I think stagnation overtakes us when our focus is elsewhere. We need to keep pushing, running from stagnation.
