The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.
Helen Keller
A Man who displays sensitivity will be a Master who is sensitive to you
A Man who displays humility will be a Master who will show you respect
A Man who is not afraid to cry will be a Master who understands your tears
A Man who is quiet will be a Master who will hear your quietest whisper
A Man who knows fear will be a Master who will not leave you to face yours alone
A Man who will listen to a child will be a Master who will always work to understand your words
A Man who can stand alone will be a Master who will not crush you under His weight
A Man who controls Himself with ease will be a Master with the ability to control you in the same way
A Man who does not have to prove His point will be a Master with many worthwhile points to share
A Man who never makes demands will be a Master who treasures anything you give
A Man who doesn't run after you will be a Master you will never need to run away from
A Man who is calm will be a Master who can weather your storms
A Man who has walked the path to peace will be a Master able to guide you along that path
A Man who does not shout will be a Master who will never deafen you.
A Man who knows Himself will be a Master who will have time to know you
A Man with an open mind will be a Master who never stops learning
A Man who never stops learning will be a Master who never stops growing.
A Man who always seeks to be the best He can be for you is the only Man truly worthy of being called Master
Like a dangerous
force of nature,
my need for You
strips me of everyhing,
turning me into
will to submit
Dominants are not great because of their technique but because of their passion, honor and integrity.
Submissives are not great because of their obedience but because of their love, trust and devotion.